Tips on Combating Seasonal Allergies - Cars For Sale - Used Cars For Sale - Used Cars -®


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Friday, May 19, 2017

Tips on Combating Seasonal Allergies

GRANDVILLE, Mich.,––The birds are singing, the warm weather is back, and the flowers are blooming. It's the one of the most wonderful times of the year in West Michigan, unless you have allergies. For those of us who are sensitive to pollen, Spring can be a rough season to get through. We've got some tips on combating seasonal allergies that might provide you with some relief and allow you to enjoy time spent with family in the sunshine!


1. Keep Your Windows Shut

This task might be hard to do, but it can save you a lot of pain. Check the weather online or on a comprehensive smartphone app like Wunderground to see the pollen rating for the day. This will help you better determine whether it's worth it to keep the windows open or closed. When you're out on the road, make sure to turn "air recirculation" on and keep the windows closed. This will recycle the air that's already inside your car instead of bringing fresh air and pollen from outside into the car (this will also help your car to cool down or warm up faster).

2. Leave Your Shoes at the Door

When you've been outside, even for a moment, there's a good chance some pollen attached itself to your clothing, hair, skin, and shoes. Each time you come inside, leave those dirt and pollen tracking soles at the door and wash yourself off as much as you can.

3. Eat Healthy & Drink More Fluids

In all honesty, what can't eating healthy cure?! While eating healthy might not instantly stop your nose from running or your eyes from itching, but it has been shown to help cut down on allergy symptoms in children. In addition to healthier eating, try to drink more non-alcoholic beverages. The steam in hot tea can work wonders on that stuffy post-nasal drip.

4. Keep Your Home Clean

As mentioned in tip #2, just momentarily being outside or having the windows open can track in unwanted pollen and dander. By regularly dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning surfaces in your home can help eliminate some of that allergy-causing gunk and help you feel better!

5. Kill Mites & Pollen with Hot Water

While pollen is a big allergy causer, dust mites can be a more serious offender for some. These dust mites love to hang out on things like your bedding, but can be rid of easily with hot water. Wash your bedding and other soft touch items like towels, sheets, blankets, and stuffed animals once per week in hot water. Make sure to finish them in a hot dryer as well!

6. Control Allergy Causing Mold by Dehumidifying

Each and every house has mold in it, whether you wanted to know or not. It's normal and not a serious health threat, but you can control it a little bit and find relief with your allergies. You can use a dehumidifier in your home to get rid of moisture, which can foster mold and trigger allergy symptoms. You can also use your air conditioner to help accomplish this!

We hope these tips on combating seasonal allergies help to curb your dreadful symptoms and help you enjoy the season to its fullest in West Michigan! We know we can't help clean your home or do your laundry, but we can help you clean your car this season. Chances are there are dust mites and pollen in your vehicle now which could trigger allergy symptoms. A good detail on the interior of your car will help control these things. Check out our full Vehicle Detailing menu to see the affordable car cleaning services we offer and schedule an appointment online!

If you're in need of a clean new vehicle, we can help with that too. We've got great deals for you to take advantage of during our Drive to 675 celebration. You can drive home a 2017 Honda Odyssey, which includes a built-in vacuum (yeah you read that right!), for as low as $299/mo. Start shopping by viewing our inventory online, or come see us at our dealership in Grandville. We're just around the corner from RiverTown Crossings Mall and just 12 minutes from downtown Grand Rapids off I-196.

Give RiverTown Honda a call at (877) 236-9113, or visit us at 4260 Kenowa Ave. Grandville, MI 49418, one mile west of RiverTown Mall.

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