Colorado becomes the latest state to require human trafficking training for CDL holders - Cars For Sale - Used Cars For Sale - Used Cars -®


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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Colorado becomes the latest state to require human trafficking training for CDL holders

Article thanks to Christine Loganbill and Links provided:
April, 2018  A new law in Colorado will require truck drivers to educate themselves on how to detect and prevent human trafficking.
Gov. John Hickenlooper signed the measure into law on April 12, 2018 with bipartisan support.
According to US News, the law will require new drivers to complete a short training program as a prerequisite for attaining a CDL. The training is available at no extra cost to the driver.
“It just heightens awareness, and it shows you how you can be part of the solution,” said Senator Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada, one of the bill’s sponsors.
Colorado state Representative Dominique Jackson, D-Aurora expressed how truck drivers are perfect candidates to join the fight.
“It’s my understanding that the majority of sex-trafficking cases and labor-trafficking cases are identified by members of the public,” Jackson says. “Truckers tend to be at places where people come in and out of — motels, truck stops and gas stations. They see a lot of things.”
Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) offers a free online certification course for truckers and will provide evidence of completion to the state. Their course includes a 26-minute video and a 15-question quiz.
“The course is geared to make commercial drivers to be aware of human trafficking, look for the tell-tale signs of individuals who may be with other drivers or around truck stops who may be victims of human trafficking,” said State Police Spokesman Bill Sadler.
As for Colorado, their new law is set to go into effect this summer.

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