The Realities of Team Driving - Cars For Sale - Used Cars For Sale - Used Cars -®


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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Realities of Team Driving

Some CDL driving jobs allow drivers to pair up for trips. This is commonly referred to as a team driving and there are both pros and cons that come with this option. Here is a closer look into the realities of team driving.

Rules are pretty much the same for team drivers as they are for individual drivers and they have been put in place by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. There are other rules to consider as team drivers are allowed to count just two hours riding in the passenger seat as being off duty.

One thing that team drivers should be able to do is sleep in a moving truck. The inability to get a decent amount of sleep in a moving truck will make drivers groggy and they will not be as alert as they could be when it is their turn behind the wheel. That could quickly become very dangerous.

There are parts of trucking jobs that become easier with a team member. Backing up into tight spots is always easier when someone outside of the truck to guide you in. Meanwhile, simple things like having someone there for conversation is an added bonus. Cell phone laws prohibit talking so having someone in the passenger seat can make time go by a lot quicker.

However, co-existing with someone in such close quarters is not always easy. Drivers have to be mindful of cleanliness, compromise and respecting someone else.

With many companies, team drivers get paid more per mile and are more of a priority when it comes to dispatching. There also plenty of incentives that accompany team driving.

It is not uncommon for married couples to team up on hauls. That dynamic is a lot like making a marriage work as it requires respect, communication and understanding. Some spouses embrace the idea as a way to spend more time together while other drivers prefer the solitude that comes with driving alone.

Team driving could bring about problems such as having to deal with a backseat driver and other seemingly minor issues. However, there are a lot of benefits that even extend to health issues. Drivers can avoid falling into bouts of depression or loneliness while also earning more money in a team setting.

The T.G. Stegall Trucking Company offers CDL driving jobs that include great benefits, flexible hours and excellent pay. Charlotte trucking jobs have never been better as T.G. Stegall provides a pathway towards a bright future.

Visit to learn more.

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