When you leave the comfort of your studio to draw or paint outdoors, disaster waits at every turn. Out in the weather and in public places, all sorts of obstacles rise up to block you.
Overcoming those challenges requires a hero's heart and plenty of persistence. Sometimes a good sketch is snatched from the jaws of failure, sometimes not. As Winston Churchill, a great champion of plein-air painting once said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It's the courage to continue that counts."

"Plein Air Persistence" is the theme of the next GurneyJourney contest. The format is a YouTube video, one minute or less in length. The deadline is midnight, October 22th. There is no fee to enter, and everyone is eligible.
Rettakat suggested creating categories, so here's how I'd like to break it up so that young people and animators have their own fair chance:
1. Youth (17 years old or younger)
2. Animation (digital CGI, hand-drawn 2D, stop motion, claymation, FX heavy, etc)
3. Live Action (normal video mostly filmed in camera, including time lapse and cosplay).
The videos can be any genre: comedy, instructional, documentary, superhero, biographical, or fictional. A video can be created by one person or by a team, such as a school classroom.
Entry Information
• I will select up to five finalists in each category.
• A popular vote via blog poll starting October 24 will choose each category's winner.
• Enter by sending me an email to gurneyjourney (at) gmail.com.
• Please put in the subject line of your email: "Plein-Air Persistence"
• In the body of the email, please include your full name, your email, a link to your website, and the link to your YouTube video.
• Your video must be new and original, and uploaded between now and the deadline.
• Please make sure you have the rights to the music and images you use.
• By submitting, you agree to allow your video to be used promotionally.
• If the video is in a language other than English, please include subtitles.
• Each #1 winner will receive one copy of their choice of my in-print books, signed and remarqued, sent anywhere in the world, plus the laurels of being featured on GurneyJourney (over 178,000 page views in the last 30 days).
EDIT after posting: Eric Rhoads, publisher of Plein Air Magazine has stepped forward to say: "Great idea! To take this to the next level we will put a story about it in PleinAir Magazine, circulate it in our weekly newsletter Plein Air Today, put it on www.outdoorpainter.com and show it at the Plein air convention in front of an audience of 800+ Plein air artists from around the world next April in Monterey. This is going to be fun. You have our support!" To which I say, Thanks, Eric!
EDIT later: Jack Richeson and; Company has generously donated gift certificates for Richeson products worth $250 and $150 as prizes for the first and second highest overall vote getters. That's so generous--thanks, Darren!
EDIT: Liliedahl video productions is donating three gift certificates worth $250 each so the winner in each category can pick from any of their 100+ art instruction videos.
Good luck and remember Churchill's words: "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
Check out my YouTube channel
Previously on GurneyJourney:
Winner of the Color and Light video contest
Imaginative Realism video contest finalists
Gamestoppers (with 44 amazing comments)
Plein Air Painting Disasters (Interviews at Plein Air convention)
Subaru Ad
• Your video must be new and original, and uploaded between now and the deadline.
• Please make sure you have the rights to the music and images you use.
• By submitting, you agree to allow your video to be used promotionally.
• If the video is in a language other than English, please include subtitles.
• Each #1 winner will receive one copy of their choice of my in-print books, signed and remarqued, sent anywhere in the world, plus the laurels of being featured on GurneyJourney (over 178,000 page views in the last 30 days).
EDIT after posting: Eric Rhoads, publisher of Plein Air Magazine has stepped forward to say: "Great idea! To take this to the next level we will put a story about it in PleinAir Magazine, circulate it in our weekly newsletter Plein Air Today, put it on www.outdoorpainter.com and show it at the Plein air convention in front of an audience of 800+ Plein air artists from around the world next April in Monterey. This is going to be fun. You have our support!" To which I say, Thanks, Eric!
EDIT later: Jack Richeson and; Company has generously donated gift certificates for Richeson products worth $250 and $150 as prizes for the first and second highest overall vote getters. That's so generous--thanks, Darren!
EDIT: Liliedahl video productions is donating three gift certificates worth $250 each so the winner in each category can pick from any of their 100+ art instruction videos.
Good luck and remember Churchill's words: "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
Check out my YouTube channel
Previously on GurneyJourney:
Winner of the Color and Light video contest
Imaginative Realism video contest finalists
Gamestoppers (with 44 amazing comments)
Plein Air Painting Disasters (Interviews at Plein Air convention)
Subaru Ad
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