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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tree Down

A dramatic thing happened during our walk on Sunday. As we waited to cross the highway, a huge tree right near us suddenly leaned, groaned, and fell onto the power lines. Its roots must have been loosened by the recent rains and wind.

 When its full weight hit the wires, there was a resounding boom and a bright flash just 100 feet from us. We ran to get out from under any falling wires, and then we dialed 911.

I had my art stuff with me so I drew the scene, pretending I was one of the old-time sketch-reporters like Everett Shinn, William Glackens, John Sloan, and F.R. Gruger.

It didn't take long for the fire department, the state troopers, and the power companies to come and block off the state highway.
The power was knocked out in our neighborhood for about five hours, so there was a spontaneous block party as we watched the crew fix the damage.

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