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Friday, June 11, 2010

Advertising on Taxis


Taxis have become a popular canvas for advertisers to use in their ad campaigns throughout the UK's towns and cities. Using taxis cabs as an advertising medium can provide an excellent way to reach a large demographic of people. There is potential advertising space on the in and outside of a taxi cab. It can also provide an extra income stream for the owner of the taxi.

There are a wide range of advert placements available on a hackney cab. Full digital wraps cover the entirety of the vehicle and can prove very eye catching. It is the most expensive option for advertisers but it does ensure that an advert will be seen all over the city centre or area that the taxi is operating in.

There are also other options for advertising to customers inside the taxi. One of the best being the bottom of the flip down seats that are standard in Hackney cabs. When there are only two passengers on the back seat the flip down seats will be directly in view of the customer giving them time to absorb the message.

There are also some companies who will print on the floor mats so no space is left unused. These kinds of adverts will either be included in the advertisers cost of the vehicle wrap as a package or priced as a separate item. To give advertisers different options on price there is also the option of having the graphics applied to the side of a taxi only.

There are a number of companies specialising in full livery digital graphics that work in conjunction with taxi drivers in order to sell the advertising space available. If you are looking to make some more money out of your taxi through advertising you can apply to these companies who will vet your suitability and if successful use your taxi in their future advertising campaigns. Second hand Taxis for sale don't carry their livery with them as the advertising will be agreed with a specific cab driver.

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