GRANDVILLE, Mich. -- Every guy has his group of buddies, but out of all of them, there's that one guy that's extra special. That guy who's been through everything with you. That guy who knows you better than you know yourself. That guy who makes your girlfriend or wife jealous. That guy who's really not just a guy, but your bro, sharing that awesome, unbreakable bond known as the "bromance."
Credited to Dave Carnie, editor of the skateboard magazine Big Brother in the 1990s who used the term to describe sort of relationship formed by skaters who spent a lot of time together, the term "bromance" is defined as a "very close but non-romantic relationship between two men." The term didn't enter the mainstream vocabulary until about 2005 when it began to be thrown around Hollywood.
In honor of the International Day of Friendship, here are Serra Honda Grandville's picks for the top 10 raddest bromances of all time!
With a bromance so strong that it's become an internet meme, the dynamic duo of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton is one that's as right as peanut butter and jelly. Beginning in the early 90s when Depp was cast as the titular character in Burton's dark fantasy-romance Edward Scissorhands, their almost thirty-year friendship and artistic collaboration has produced a total of eight films.
In his memoir, Burton writes of Depp, "What more can I say about him? He is a brother, a friend, my godson's father. He is a unique and brave soul, someone that I would go to the ends of the earth for, and I know, full and well, he would do the same for me."
Meeting at the 1896 convention of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, the friendship between Henry Ford and Thomas Edison is one for the history books - and in them as well! As a boy, Ford had idolized the already established inventor Edison, who would later encourage the ambitious engineer to "keep at it," three little words that cemented their lifelong bond.
When Edison died, Ford had requested that Edison's son capture his final exhale in a glass vial, which he did. Ford then kept this vial in his desk for the rest of his day, which he said was meant to "preserve [Edison's] life and breath."
Meeting at the Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and later moving out to Los Angeles to pursue their mutual craft together, the bromance between Ben Affleck and Matt Damon is one of Hollywood's most well-known. They even appeared in their first film together, Good Will Hunting, which went on to be nominated for nine Academy Awards and launched both of their careers.
In 2009, it was revealed they're more than just best friends but also related, with both actors being descendants of a bricklayer who settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts around 1630, making them 10th cousins once removed.
The legendary Rat Pack is one of history's most beloved entertainment groups, but the friendship between crooners Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin was really something to sing about. The bromance between these two honey-voiced Italian heartthrobs lasted over four decades, and their unmistakable chemistry on stage made them a powerhouse.
As with any longtime friendship, however, theirs was not without its rough spots. Martin began a downward spiral after the death of his son, which caused him to become withdrawn and borderline reclusive, unlike the party animal Sinatra had known for so many years. A scuffle during their 1988 reunion tour put a strain on their relationship, but they soon reconciled.
When Martin died on Christmas Day in 1995, his devastated best pal was quoted as saying, “Dean has been like the air I breathe, always there, always close by. He was my brother not by blood, but by choice.”
When it comes to friendship goals, few can hold a candle to that of Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart. Meeting on the set of X-Men in 1999, McKellen and Stewart quickly became friends, despite playing sworn enemies as Magneto and Dr. Charles Xavier, respectively. Since then, these two legends of the stage and screen have maintained an equally legendary bromance, with McKellen even officiating Stewart's wedding in 2013. Nineteen years and still going strong, you can find these two living it up together on social media, where their many adventures are documented.
The close bond that the demon-hunting Winchester Brothers share on the hit television series Supernatural extends beyond the realm of fiction, as actors Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles are the best of friends behind the scenes. When the show brought them together in 2005, the connection was instant, and the guys even shared a house for a while and later were groomsmen at each other's weddings. As the stars of the longest-running show in CW/WB history (thirteen and hopefully still counting), Padalecki and Ackles largely credit the success of Supernatural to their off-screen bromance, with Ackles citing how "crucial" it is that lead-actors share personal chemistry in order them to work well together.
In the 20th century, the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis dominated the world's imagination with The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia, respectively, translated into more than 39 languages with over 300 million copies printed and later movies that earned more than $6.4 billion combined in the global box office. Even more legendary than their impact on literature, however, was their amazing friendship.
The two met when they were both teachers at Oxford University in 1926, and were actually rivals at first. They soon accepted one another's differences and forged an excellent friendship and explored their mutual love of fantasy tales through their membership of a literary society called the Inklings. Although, they both agreed that while they lived for the genre itself, it lacked entries that they actually wanted to read, so they decided to write their own. And the rest is history.
About a decade after the publication of The Lord of the Rings, Lewis passed away leaving his best friend absolutely heartbroken. Tolkien is quoted saying, "So far I have felt the normal feelings of a man of my age—like an old tree that is losing all its leaves one by one. This feels like an axe-blow near the roots. Very sad that we should have been so separated in the last years, but our time of close communion endured in memory for both of us."
Who knew that one of history's most brilliant scientists and an influential literary giant were best friends? Nikola Tesla and Samuel Clemens (known professionally as Mark Twain), first met at a New York social club of which they were both members in 1894. When Tesla was a kid, he suffered from a terrible illness that nearly claimed his life, and claimed that the only thing that got him through this time were the stories penned by Mark Twain. He would later be able to recall this to Twain himself, who was reportedly moved to tears, and the two remained friends ever since.
Amidst the all-out battle between Tesla's alternating current and rival Thomas Edison's direct current in 1895, Twain would help out his friend by volunteering to use his own body as a conductor, which brought more visibility to Tesla and helped to establish him as a force to be reckoned with in the scientific community.
Give Serra Honda Grandville, the #1 Honda Dealer in Michigan in 2017, a call at (877) 236-9113, or visit us at 4260 Kenowa Ave. Grandville, MI 49418, one mile west of RiverTown Mall.
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