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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Ways to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

GRANDVILLE, Mich.–– The lurking threat of calories and unhealthy food galore can be intimidating to our waistlines and general health. While it's all good and fun to enjoy the cheese heavy appetizers, butter drenched sides, the sugar-laden dessert bombs, it's better done in moderation. Let's be honest, no one enjoys the painful belly aches and the extra bloat and weight the holiday food brings along. To keep you feeling well and your body functioning at its best throughout the holidays, we've got a few tips. Check out these different ways to stay healthy around the holidays and incorporate these tips into your regular life in the New Year to feel better!

1. Walk It Out

Ways to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

It's really easy to lay down on the couch with family to enjoy your favorite show or holiday movie after dinner, but you can still enjoy that quality family time in a different way. You can take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather we've been having by taking a walk after dinner. Other ways to fit some more steps in: parking farther away from your destination, taking the stairs instead of the elevator wherever you go, and frantically running around the house trying to clean before the relatives arrive.

2. Eat Before You Go

Ways to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

What? Eat, before you go to eat? Yes! While it seems highly counterintuitive, eating a healthy snack before you go somewhere can give you the ammo to combat that really-hungry, heavy noshing that leads to a quick stomach ache and regret. Try munching an apple on your way, so that when you arrive you're stomach will be satisfied with fiber and healthy sugars so you don't go crazy on heavy appetizers. Plus, no one likes a 'hangry' guest.

3. Veggies First

Ways to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

Another tip that involves eating before eating goes as follows: when you arrive to a get together where there are appetizers galore, eat the veggies first. By doing this, you'll fill up on good fiber, get in a veggie serving or two for the day, and feel better overall. Don't forget to add more veggies to your diet by filling up your dinner plate with them, too. Veggies provide the sustenance you need to last you a full dinner party or a Christmas gift return marathon without feeling like you're starving.

4. Try the 80/20 Rule

Ways to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

Simple, yet effective. Whether you're trying to lose weight, be healthier overall, or just trying to maintain your current figure during the holiday season, this rule will treat you well. How does it work? Eat healthy and clean 80% of the time, and use the other 20% for outings with friends, holiday parties, etc. Forget that cheat day mentality and jump on the moderation train! You can also apply this to your workout regimen. Stay active 80% of the time and inactive the other 20%. Try working out or being active each day during the week, and enjoy resting on the weekend.

5. Avoid Takeout

Ways to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

The holidays can be stressful for many of us, which can mean many of us turn to takeout and the couch for relaxation. Even if you think you're ordering "healthy" from the takeout menu of your favorite local restaurant, there's typically no nutritional label to tell you just what's in the food your ordered, how big the serving size is, etc. We're not saying you need to count calories, but avoiding takeout can help you be more aware of what you're putting in your body. When you cook at home you get to choose what goes into the dish and can substitute for healthier options where possible.

6. Be Mindful 

Ways to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

"Mindful" is such a buzzword right now, but it's worth spending time on. Being mindful is all about living in the moment, which can help ground you in an anxious or stressful situation, realize why your experiencing emotions, and help you enjoy the good moments more! By overthinking, dwelling on the past, stressing about future tasks you need to do, and even spending too much time on social media, you take away from the moment. All you need to do is create an anchor statement/thought like "I'm back" when you realize your mind is drifting from the moment. You can also focus on what your 5 senses are experiencing to help ground you. 

7. Set Realistic New Years Health Goals 

Ways to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

New Year's is just around the corner, which means many people will be setting resolutions for the upcoming year. A big theme for resolutions is health. Whether it's physical or mental health, people often set goals that are too-lofty or unrealistic for their lifestyle. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day and new habits can take up to 21 days to form. By setting smaller goals, or more realistic goals, you'll be more likely to succeed. For instance, if you've been avoiding the gym, it'll be almost impossible for you to make it to the gym every single day! Give yourself some credit for making small difference. They'll add up in the long run. 

We hope you use these ways to stay healthy around the holidays! Regardless of your schedule this holiday season, you can use these tips to help you feel and function better overall into the New Year. If you're in need of a vehicle that functions better in the New Year, make sure to visit us in Grandville - just 12 minutes from downtown Grand Rapids - around the corner from RiverTown Crossings Mall. We've got a wide selection of safe, reliable, and affordable new Honda vehicles, as well as a Service team that's here to help you stay safe on the road regardless the vehicle you drive! You can stop by our Express Service Lane at your convenience (without an appointment) for oil changes, winter tire installations, brake inspections, and more, in under 90 minutes throughout the season. Check out our winter car care tips for more information on how to care for your vehicle in the cold West Michigan weather!

Give RiverTown Honda a call at (877) 236-9113, or visit us at 4260 Kenowa Ave. Grandville, MI 49418, one mile west of RiverTown Mall.

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