David Curtis is one of the leading plein-air painters, working in both watercolor and oil in the United Kingdom. He tackles complex scenes with admirable...
I just finished reading Jim Henson: The Biography. The book tells the story of Henson's lasting influence as creator and performer of the Muppets.Biographer...
Until now, I had to rack my brain to think of what instructional book to recommend for a student who wants to learn perspective.No longer. Scott Robertson's...
A recently published book called the The Art of the Salon: The Triumph of 19th-Century Painting is a lavish and visually impressive production which...
Pterosaurs dominated the skies during the time of the dinosaurs. They were remarkably diverse creatures, from the size of a sparrow to giants as tall...
During the flowering of plein-air painting in the late 19th and early 20th century, some of the most impressive artists came from Spain.Joaquín Sorolla is...
Much of the training in contemporary academic ateliers focuses on understanding and interpreting what you see in front of you. At the moment, there's...
The new book on John Singer Sargent's watercolors accompanies the exhibition that is currently at the Brooklyn Museum through July 28. The show unites...
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