Ferrari 400 Classiche - Cars For Sale - Used Cars For Sale - Used Cars -®

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ferrari 400 Classiche

Just a nice comparisson example in regards with yesterdays blog. This is a European 1983 400i Automatic in Swiss. Offered for about 106.000 Swiss Francs, which translates close to 100.000 Euro or equals similar to 106.000 US Dollar.

Clearly this is a very nice specimen as well and as pointed out by the advert it had undergone large maintenance supported with some nice pictures. The car is worth it. Such a fine automobile for classy gentleman.


Aussenfarbe: Nero (schwarz Glanz), Innenfarbe: Crema
2015 wurden diverse mechanische Restaurationen im Wert von über CHF 20'000.- durchgeführt
2017-2018 werden weitere Restaurationen am Fahrzeug durchgeführt. Neue TRX-Reifen etc. CH-Fahrzeug

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