After 20,000 kilometres in their vintage buses – Bulli fans from Malaysia visit the factory in Hannover: - Cars For Sale - Used Cars For Sale - Used Cars -®


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Friday, July 7, 2017

After 20,000 kilometres in their vintage buses – Bulli fans from Malaysia visit the factory in Hannover:


"This is a dream come true for us"

  • Plant tour in their cult vehicles
  • Vehicles are expression of a lifestyle feeling
Hannover / Kuala Lumpur, 27 June 2017 – It was the Bulli journey of their lives: three months, two continents, 20,000 kilometres and one destination: the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles assembly plant in Hannover. At the beginning of March, five Bulli fans left their homeland in Malaysia in three Bullis and one VW Beetle. Just recently, they were guests at the Hannover production site and were even allowed to bring their vintage vehicles into the production halls where they observed production of the latest T-Series model.

Cliften Nathaniel (T2), Terence Moses (T1), Stephen Pang (T1), Monica Xavier and Udhaya Kumar (Beetle) have arrived at their destination. Proudly they drive their cult vehicles onto the production site where they are given a warm welcome by Friedrich Mattiszik (Production). "We know that we have Bulli fans across the globe. But to see them travel to us from such a distance in their vintage vehicles – we have never experienced this before. It is an honour for us to show our plant to these globe-trotting fans. This is, so to speak, the birthplace of the vast majority of T-series vehicles."

Stephen Pang: "This is a dream come true for us. We always wanted to go to the place where the Bullis were built. Now we not only know how quality vehicles drive, but also where they originated over the vehicle generations. It is impressive how perfectly humans and robots work together and how large the factory is." Together with other fans of the T-series, they observe the production with keen interest.

Their journey in the Bullis (two vehicles from model year 1967, one vehicle from 1978) followed a route over hill and dale across Thailand, Laos, China, Russia and Europe. Terence Moses: "Bullis are simply indestructible. And when they do need repair, we can usually handle it ourselves." That is because they have lashed tyres, replacement parts and tool sets on their fully laden roof rails along with countless pieces of luggage.

Another highlight for the Malaysian Bulli owners was their weekend visit to the Volkswagen vintage meet in Hessisch-Oldendorf (Lower Saxony).
Around 45,000 fans attended this event to admire the approximately 900 vehicles from 28 countries, including from Malaysia. For the fans, it goes without saying that Bullis are more than just cars. They are works of love and are an integral part of a lifestyle feeling.

After their intermediate stop in Lower Saxony, the Bulli fans resume their journey from Malaysia, which now takes them to countries including Belgium, France and Scandinavia. That is because they added another mission to their long journey. With their charity campaign #Live2drive they want to do some good in the world and make children happy. They are visiting orphanages in various countries and participating in a number of charitable events. After travelling a total of 50,000 kilometres, the trip with their vintage vehicles finishes in Malaysia.

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