T.G. Stegall, a longtime supporter of Loaves and Fishes Food Drive - Cars For Sale - Used Cars For Sale - Used Cars - Sellcar-online.com®


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Friday, June 16, 2017

T.G. Stegall, a longtime supporter of Loaves and Fishes Food Drive

T.G. Stegall is more than just a top notch trucking company that is an ideal place to work for anyone looking for a quality truck driving job near Charlotte NC. Every year, T.G. Stegall likes to give back to the community and help out those less fortunate.

image from loavesandfishes.org
One of the annual initiatives on T.G. Stegall’s itinerary occurs every February during the Scouting for Food Campaign that benefits Loaves and Fishes. T.G. Stegall Trucking is proud to be a longtime participant in the drive while assisting Loaves and Fishes, a Charlotte based non-profit organization aimed to help hungry individuals and families.

Loaves and Fishes has established 20 emergency food pantries all across Mecklenburg County. These pantries are a place where families can go and actually select the groceries. Providing options of this kind is designed to balance out meals and empower the participants to have some control over what they are getting.

Loaves and Fishes also employs a dietician, who can help families put together well balanced and nutritious shopping lists so that they can live a healthier lifestyle.

T.G. Stegall has been able to fill up sizeable truckloads of food in an effort to help feed members of the community. Drivers have no issue using their trucks to transport that food to where it is both needed and appreciated.

Many of T.G. Stegall’s truck drivers are members of this community, so it is essentially a way for drivers to help their neighbors. T.G. Stegall also makes annual food donations in which the company is happy to donate its share of food to Loaves and Fishes.

Ever since its first involvement with the Food Drive, T.G. Stegall has donated not only time and monetary items, but has also had its drivers help deliver food.

“Our drivers enjoy helping each year,” said company owner Jeff Stegall, who has also donated his personal time to the cause. “In fact, we had one in the past that retired but told me that, each year, if I needed him, he would be more than happy to help out the Loaves and Fishes collection week and donate his time to help with the food drive.”

T.G. Stegall remains Charlotte’s top trucking company dedicated to providing its drivers with great consistent pay, excellent benefits and flexible hours. Drivers looking to better their careers can find the best Charlotte truck driving jobs by joining the team at T.G. Stegall Trucking.
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