Curbside Wheel Repair for an easy and inexpensive fix - Cars For Sale - Used Cars For Sale - Used Cars -®


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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Curbside Wheel Repair for an easy and inexpensive fix

Long early morning shadows, a right hand turn in a parking lot and an unmarked curb and suddenly a scrapping sound along with a slight shudder. It is the dreaded sound of a wheel scrapping against a curb. You get out to look, already knowing there will be an ugly, jagged rash on the right rear wheel.
Watch out for poorly placed and poorly marked curbs.

Curb rash is so easy to do, but instead of the inconvenience of dropping the car off, have
Curbside Wheel Repair perform a repair right at your place of work or home. Only $100 per
wheel, versus a quote from a competitor of over $180 per wheel, it is a bargain. Add in the
convenience of not having to drop off your car, and it is priceless.

A new replacement wheel can be as little as $300 or easily run into the thousands of dollars.
With three in need of repair from a prior life as a “city car”, the end result looks like brand new
wheels, saving many hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. A word of caution, if your newly repaired wheel finds a protruding, unpainted, dark curb of a property owned by Nicholas A. Speno Associates, such as at 795 W. Hamilton Ave. in Campbell, expect the curbs to be painted yellow after complaining, but don’t expect a $100 reimbursement.

Kris, the owner of Curbside Wheel Repair is very easy to work with and does excellent work. Curbside also performs bent rim repair and headlight restoration. I highly recommend their services without reservation. Kris can be reached at 925-596-5603 or email



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