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Friday, February 8, 2013

Digital vs. Kodachrome
After seeing the recent post about Steve McCurry and the last roll of Kodachrome, photographer Walter Wick sent me the following side by side comparison. These are details of two photos taken with different kinds of cameras. One is digital and one is Kodachrome. Can you guess which is which?

You can vote in the poll at left. Answers tomorrow.

Walter explains: "The film camera was a Contax G2 with a 90mm prime lens, the digital was small sensor pocket-size point-and-shoot with a zoom lens – the Leica D-LUX 4 made by Panasonic, which is now two generations old." Walter says that the digital version was processed after the capture was taken. He says, "You can get to Kodachrome from digital, but you can't go the other way around."
Walter Wick's website

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