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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is Spare Fuel on Car Safety Checklist


It is important to consider the car safety checklist regularly in order to attain safe driving. It is important especially for the drivers who are frequent to long drives. Even people who have their own vehicles should also follow these checklists in order to prevent further damage. These checklists should be performed at least once in a week. One can instantly spot any type of damage or dysfunctional part in the vehicle. There are different types of parts available in the vehicle that may cause trouble or safety issues. Here are some of the essential checklists which should be considered before moving for a long drive.

Seat Belts: Check the seat belts properly if they are worn or damaged. If they are, repair it immediately or it is better to replace it.

Horn: Check the working of horn carefully. The horn should be loud and can be heard by other vehicles.

Headlights: One should check the headlights by turning them on in low and high beam mode. Check carefully whether they are working good or not.

Windshield Wipers: It is important to clear the windshield wipers properly in order to prevent muddy conditions. Also, one should clean the blades regularly for its smooth working.

Indicators: The back and front indicators should be checked properly. If they are not working properly, it is advised to fix them up as it is very important if someone is frequent to long trips.

Brakes and Emergency Brake: Brakes are very crucial to enjoy a smooth drive. One should check it thoroughly or it is good to test brakes before moving away to long journey.

Oil and Coolers: The necessary level of oil is important as the engine failure may cause several difficulties in journey and one has to suffer hard. Apart from all, there are several other things to consider which should be considered as car safety checklist.

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